About Us

We are residents of the Gun Lake area (full-time, part-time and occasional) who are concerned about protecting our area from wildfire devastation.

We provide information on lessening your fire hazard, education on wildfire behavior, demonstrate how to set up your own sprinkler system and train you on what equipment is available and how to use it properly.

Our Goal

In the event of a wildfire, our goal is to be able to prevent it from spreading, or at least slow it down, until Forestry arrives.  In the event of a house or cabin fire, our goal is to try to keep the fire from spreading and/or becoming a wildfire.

How can I help?

Can you use a phone, can you tow a trailer, can you supervise others, can you start a pump? There is something everyone can do, not just the young and strong. Get to know your neighbours and let’s work together to protect our valley. We can’t do this alone. Whether you are here a month, a week, or a day, in the event of an emergency we need your help. We need to help each other!

Why should I care?
  • Becoming a member strengthen our voice with the SLRD & BC Government (numbers do count)
  • Better understanding
    • how to mitigate risk and protect your property
    • value of sprinklers
    • value of wildfire training (S100 course)
    • wildfire behaviour
    • how to safely and most effectively fight a fire
    • how to use the GLFPS fire trailers
    • fire insurance
    • tax recognition of fire brigade volunteers
    • who to contact in the event of a fire
  • Learn how to fight or deal with a fire near or on your property.

Remember there are no government fire services here! They are hours not minutes away!

We are on our own it pays to be involved.

Who we are - Our Board of Directors

The resignations left a significant gap on the GLF BOD. The bylaws allowed the board to fill vacancies on the board.

President - Roger Stacey

Vice President - Tony Maida

Secretary - Brieana Van Loon

Treasurer - Carmen Stacey

Directors at Large:

Norris Girling, 
Tara O'Keeffe, 
Marco Perazzo, 
Doug Engstrom, 
Randy Perazzo, 
Tony Guarascio, 
Fire Chief - Al Leighton 
+1 (250)238-2560

GLFPS Service Area

Area of Responsibility

Some Activities and Events -- By Volunteers -- Over Past Years

Major Fire K71649 Activities